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Explanation and Statutory Notification
Sir/ Madam,
I hereby acknowledge and agree to give my consent to CTOS to collect, process and verify my personal data and credit information with any appointed party including but not limited to Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS), under Bank Negara Malaysia for the purposes that are required in relation to this application including verifying my identity in creating a CTOS User ID, generating MyCTOS Score report, statistical analysis and research and/or to facilitate financial literacy campaign.
This MyCTOS Report shows information which may be provided to our subscribers who request for your report.
Should you find any information in any part of the report inaccurate, incomplete, is not up-to-date or misleading you may correct it by informing and providing us with the necessary documents to support your claim. For any update on the legal proceedings, you may do any of the following:
Settlement Remark Update
If legal actions taken against you are settled or have come to a conclusion, “settlement remarks” can be inserted to the records.
You need to provide us documents proving settlement i.e. plaintiff’s letter of discharge, withdrawal or settlement, court order of dismissal, striking off, proof of debt statements, etc. A remark shall be inserted upon the verification of the documents.
Subject’s Comment
You may offer explanations and tell “your side of the story” on any item in your report using our “Subject’s Comments” facility. These will be made known to any CTOS subscribers who make an enquiry on you.
Currently, no fees are charged for input of any settlement remarks updates or any Subject's Comments input.
For any further clarification or assistance, please contact our Settlement and Records Update Section (SARUS) at 603-27228833.
Processing Your Credit Information
Section 23 of the Credit Reporting Agency Act 2010, requires us to notify you we have collected, received and processed information about you particulars of which may be found in your MyCTOS Report. It is important that you ensure your report is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. You are urged to perform MyCTOS Report from time to time. By ensuring your credit report is accurate, complete and up-to-date, you can speed up the decision making process and avoid delays in the processing your credit or job applications with banks or businesses, many of whom are our subscribers.
How to Obtain Your Own MyCTOS Report.
You may request a copy of your MyCTOS Report at any time by contacting us. Our contact particulars are as stated below.
You may update/correct any information in your credit report you deem inaccurate, not-up-to date, incomplete, misleading, by providing us the necessary documents to support the update or correction.
Purpose Of Information Collation.
Our subscribers may need your report when you, your business or company deal or transact with them. They may require your report for various purposes including, opening of account, extension of credit or loans, review of credit lines extended or review of account relationship which may be done from time to time, hire-purchase/leasing/rental contracts, property or equipment purchases, factoring, insurance, provision of services, job employment, legal documentation, etc, etc, amongst others.
Our subscribers include individuals, businesses and companies, government and statutory bodies, clubs, cooperatives, commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, development banks, cooperative banks, stock brokers, payment systems issuers, licensed moneylenders, landlords, trading and commercial companies, employment agencies, professionals eg. Lawyers, accountants, property valuers, etc amongst others.
Important Note: In the event of ambiguities, conflicts or possible variations in interpretation between the English version and other languages of this document, agreement, website or brochure, etc the English version shall always prevail.
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